Scratch Fly | Mega Game 


Hello everyone! Welcome to my game, Scratch Fly! I hope you enjoy the game! This game was officially shared: 5/2/22 



> Vector Blocks Icons / by @aarushharish 

> Famous Views Detector / by @madrid2030 

> Six Scratch Skins / Mascots by @ScratchTeam 

> Epic & Completed Menu / by @madrid2030 

> Countdown / @madrid2030 



> Move with arrows keys, or W, A, S, D 

> Shoot Blocks with SpaceBar 

> Kill Bats / Shoot to them 

> Avoid Enemies 



> Code & Art: @madrid2030 

> Music: Alan Walker 

> Some Art: @ScratchTeam 

> Blur BG Menu: @-FrostyCodes- 

> Intro: @-savior- 


Touch Y/N 

> You can touch the Buildings, they doesn't kill you, or they doesn't make you lose a life. 

> If you touch Bats, if you have got 1 life left, then it'll reset to menu, but if you have up to 1 life, then you'll lose a life. [When there are not lifes left, you will be automatically in the Menu] [In next and future updates then a shop will be added] ============= 


> Each time you Play, you get 3 Lives. 

> If you touch buildings, you won't lose any life. 

> If you touch Bats, you will lose 1 life. [Lifes are the hearts in the Top-Right Part] ============= 


> The Spectre - Alan Walker 

> Time - Hans Zimmer [Alan Walker Remix] 


Thank you so much for stopping by! :)

Development log


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yo, how do you make this I want to know how is it coding? or do you take the file of your scratch game? or other

Deleted post

Very pog love it


As always, feel free to leave some feedback / suggestions to improve this game! Thanks! @madrid2030